Docker Tutorial

for beginners

Rashmi Srivastava
4 min readApr 18, 2021

Docker is a platform for building, running and shipping applications in a consistent manner.

Reasons why an application will run on a developer machine and not on a target(test or production) machine:

  • One or few files are missing causing the application to not be completely deployed
  • Software versions mismatches between developer machine and target machines
  • Different configuration settings/environment variables

Docker to the rescue

  • Docker allows to easily package-up an application with everything it needs and run it anywhere on any machine.
  • Docker will also download and run the application and its dependencies inside an isolated environment called a container. This allows multiple applications to use different versions of same software side by side without messing with each other.
  • Docker allows to remove the application and its dependencies in one go.

Container is an light weight isolated environment for running an application.

  • All the containers running on a host shares the OS of the host.
  • Container’s start quickly as the OS has already started on the host.
  • Also, recourses need not to be divided for each container and that allows us to run ten’s or hundred’s of containers on a single host.

How is it different from VM’s?

VM’s are an abstraction of a machine or a physical hardware so we can run several VM’s on a real physical machine.

For ex, we can have a mac machine running 2 VM’s. One running windows and other running Linux using Hypervisor( Hypervisor is used to create and manage VM’s).

  • VM’s provide isolation as well. We can run same application on different OS with different version of dependencies.
  • Each VM needs a full blown OS. They are slow to start as OS needs to start
  • VM’s are resource intensive as each VM takes a slice of the actual physical hardware resources like CPU, memory and disk space.

So a 8GB memory has to be divided and allocated to each VM and that limits in terms of the number of VM we can run on a machine.

Docker’s Client-Server Architecture

  • A docker client component talks to the server (also called as docker engine) component using RESTful API.
  • The docker engine sits in the background and takes care of building and running the docker containers.
  • Container is a special kind of process . All the containers running on the host share the kernel(core of the OS) of the host.

Installing docker:

Commands to test: docker version

Development workflow

  • Add a docker file to any application to dockerize it. A docker file is a plain text file and includes instruction that docker uses to package over the application into an image
  • This image contains everything our application needs to run. Typically

A cut down OS

A run time environment (ed node oy python)

Application files

Third part libraries

Environment variables and so-on

  • Once we have an image we tell that docker to start a container(special kind of process that has it own file system which is provided by the image) using that image. So, our image gets loaded in a container.
  • To run it locally on our development machine we tell the docker to run the application inside the container in an isolated environment, instead of running the application directly.
  • Once we have an image we can push it to a docker registry like Docker hub. (Dockerhub to docker is same as github to git, a storage of docker images that any one can use)
  • Now any test/prod machine can get the get the image. This eliminates the need to log release documents which has to be precisely followed.

For ex: If I am simple JS application which prints hello-docker to screen. To run this application on another machine, the instructions will be

Start with an OS

Install Node

Copy app files

Run node app.js

Now, beauty of docker

  • Write this instruction inside a docker file(Dockerfile)and let docker package our application.

FROM node:alpine

COPY ./app (copy all files from the app folder)

WORKDIR /app (make app folder as the working dir)

CMD node app.js

  • Now go to the terminal and tell the docker to package up our application

docker build -t hello-docker . (-t is the tag to identify and . is to search in the current directory)

docker image ls

  • To run this docker image

docker run hello-docker

  • Publish this image on docker hub

docker pull <repo_name>

docker image ls

docker run hello-docker (can be run from any directory)



Rashmi Srivastava

I love learning. I am here to share the same love. Also, an Engineer.